Fruits name|a to Z fruits name|alphabetics fruits name|  फलों के नाम|#a for apple 🍏

Fruits name|a to Z fruits name|alphabetics fruits name| फलों के नाम|#a for apple 🍏

Fruits name|a to Z fruits name|alphabetics fruits name|phonic song| फलों के नाम|#a for Apple 🍏 this 3D animated phonic song will help kids learn the sounds of the letters in the English alphabet. this colorful 3D phonic song a for apple, 🍎 b for banana, 🍌 C for cherry,🍒 ________________________________________________________________ Lyrics: A for apple B for banana C for cherry D for dragon E for elderberry F for fig G for grapes H for honeydew I for Indian gooseberry J for Java Apple K for kiwi L for lichi M for mango N for Nectarin O for orange P for pineapple Q for quince R for raspberry S for strawberry T for tamerillo U for ugly V for vanilla W for World mango X for xigua Y for yellow plum Z for Zebra melon #atoZwithSunita#fruitsname #nurseryrhymes#abcdsong #abcdrhymesforkids #abcd #juniortvkidsclass#aforapple #aforapplebforbanana #shapes #nurseryrhymes #preschool #viralvideos #phonicsongforkids #ABCDfruitsname#aforapple#kids #chuchutv #chuchutvabc