Catholic Mass Today Online - 4th Sunday of Lent 2022

Catholic Mass Today Online - 4th Sunday of Lent 2022

26 March 2022 “For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.” Luke 15:1-3,11-32 The Catholic Mass is celebrated to fulfil the command of Jesus that His people come together to worship Him. COTT is pleased to present Masses online to parishioners and all who are interested in the Catholic faith. At Mass, we not only learn about Catholic teachings and listen out for answers to life’s many questions, we also offer God praise and thanksgiving. When we bring to Him an attitude of prayer, He will help us experience the graces and spiritual strength that only the Mass and Eucharist can bestow on us. All are welcome. ✢ MASS READINGS  First Reading: Joshua 5:9-12  Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 33(34):2-7  Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21  Gospel Reading: Luke 15:1-3,11-32 ✢ SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR THE DAY  Website:  Mobile App: ✢ ORDER OF THE MASS ✢ OFFERINGS / CONTRIBUTIONS Please support COTT and Other Charities.  Mass Offertory Contributions  3 Times Gift Donation (to help scale down the COTT land lease cost)  Donations to Society of St Vincent de Paul (SSVP)  The Catholic Foundation  Mass Prayer Intentions @ COTT ✢ HELP US SPREAD THE MESSAGE OF GOD! Support COTT with your God-given talent! If you have the know-how in the following areas, do step forward!  Online Webcasts  Multimedia Management (Website, Facebook, COTT App, Instagram)  Content Writing  Photography  Videography  Graphic Design  Video Editing Email us: [email protected] ✢ SUBSCRIBE Tap on the red ‘Subscribe’ button to be alerted to new COTT videos. Click on the ‘Set reminder’ bell to be notified when Mass begins! ✢ WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE CATHOLIC FAITH & WAY OF LIFE? CONTACT US!  If you want to find out more:  For Catholics who want to share: Email: [email protected] ✢ COTT LIVESTREAM COTT broadcasts its 4pm Mass 'Live' every Saturday. ✢ RESUMPTION OF MASSES @ COTT PREMISES Masses held in the church’s premises are now available. As entry is restricted, please register early at Monday – Friday: 630pm (Weekday Public Holidays: 830am) Saturday (Sunset): 4pm Sunday: 8:30am, 11am & 5pm Watch the Resumption of COTT Mass Video on our Facebook Page to familiarise yourself with the new procedures COTT has put in place to ensure we worship safely and responsibly. More information on the Mass Attendance Registration System (MARS) can be found here: If you are new to MARS, please sign up at Hymns & Chants (if any) in this Mass Webcast are all pre-recorded. ✢ VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Come be a COTT Ambassador today. We welcome volunteers who are able to help with admission procedures. Find out more here: and register to be ‘HIS’ hands. ✢ STAY CONNECTED WITH COTT Website: Facebook:   / cottsg   Instagram: @churchofthetransfigurationsg Telegram: Mobile App: YouTube:    / churchofthetransfigurationsg   #catholicmasstoday #catholicmass #catholicmassonline #catholicmasswebcast #catholiclivestream #catholicsg #catholicsingapore #catholicprayers #catholiccottsg #churchofthetransfiguration #catholic #Jesus #proud2bcatholic Note: This video may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, without prior written permission from the Church of the Transfiguration. © 2022 Church of the Transfiguration. All rights reserved.