Stop replying to their texts #datingadvice

Stop replying to their texts #datingadvice

Don’t get sucked into a long term texting match. Just because someone’s texting you, doesn’t mean they want anything further with you. I’m fact, some people just love the texting. It takes minimal effort, meets some of their needs and keeps things surface level. It’s addictive. However, if you’re on the receiving end of this, hoping for something more, it’s going to be painful. You’ll keep questioning whether they really want to be with you. It seems like they do. Cause they’re texting you. This glimmer of hope, keeps you on the string. So here it is! If they were really interested in pursuing something with you, they would make the effort to see you. Period. You can’t fake effort. It’s either there or there’s an excuse. If you truly want a relationship, stop taking part in long texting that never eventuates to anything. Take a stand.