Morning Prayer, Monday August 12
Psalm 105:1-22 1 Samuel 31 Romans 12 __________ We have entered what is called "Ordinary Time," the season after Pentecost (or after the upcoming Trinity Sunday, depending on the parish). "Ordinary" doesn't mean "plan" or "boring," is has to do with the "ordinal," the numbering of weeks. Find out more about Ordinary Time here: https://anglicancompass.com/ordinary-... __________ Join us Sunday mornings at 10am at New Hope Academy in Franklin. Follow St. John's on Facebook: / stjohnsfranklin __________ Digital version of Morning Prayer from dailyoffice2019.com, a personal and independent project for which we are incredibly grateful, and which is now financially supported by Anglican House Publishers, who prints our prayerbook. Liturgy from the 2019 ACNA Book of Common Prayer, public domain. Psalms from the New Coverdale Psalter, © 2019 Anglican Church in North American, used by permission. Bible passages from the English Standard Version, © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, used by permission.