How to use Canva and ChatGPT together?

How to use Canva and ChatGPT together?

In this video, Ansh Mehra talks about how to use ChatGPT for Social Media Marketing. If you're looking for how to use AI for Social Media Marketing, or how to use Canva for Social Media Marketing, this video is the perfect fit for you. We take you through a complete guide on how to use ChatGPT's Canva Plugin for Social Media Marketing and run you through each and everything you should know as an aspiring Social Media Marketer. 🌏 Keep up with Design and AI: 🔗   /   🔗 🔗   / ansh   🚀 Complete Roadmap to a UX Design Career: → 🏆 Learn about Prompting and AI Tools: → ▶️ Recommended Videos → Free Hindi UX/UI Design Course (for Designers):    • Learn UX/UI Design in Hindi for Free ...   → Free English UX/UI Design Course (for Designers):    • Complete English Guide to UX/UI Desig...   → UI Redesign Playlist for practical hands-on learning    • Improving mobile app's UI - Tips to i...   → Writing UX Design Case Study: Step-by-Step Process (for Designers):    • Writing UX Design Case Study: Step by...   ⚡️ Checkout Zuddl (Events hosting platform for Conferences and Marketers) → Comment your reviews here or on Twitter (@AnshMehraaa) or share a story on Instagram (