Haunting Ground Part 25 | Gameplay Walkthrough | No Commentary | PS2 | PCSX2

Haunting Ground Part 25 | Gameplay Walkthrough | No Commentary | PS2 | PCSX2

Haunting Ground Part 25 | Gameplay Walkthrough | No Commentary | PS2 | PCSX2 Now Fiona must cross the bridge to the other tower. Inside this tower, Fiona meets an old man in a wheelchair. He calls himself Aurellius Lorenzo Belli the creator of Riccardo and Ugo (Fiona's father). After the old man told the truth about Fiona's true identity, he started chasing Fiona I play this PS2 game on my laptop using emulator called PCSX2 Link PCSX2: https://pcsx2.net/download.html #tripsgames #hauntingground #pcsx2 #ps2 #capcom ====================================================================== Playlist DreadOut Act 0 :    • Dreadout Act 0 Playlist   Playlist DreadOut Act 1:    • Dreadout Act 1 Playlist 100% Completed   Playlist DreadOut Act 2:    • Dreadout Act 02 Playlist 100% Completed   Playlist DreadOut-Keepers of The Dark:    • Dreadout: Keepers of The Dark Playlis...   Playlist Home Sweet Home:    • Home Sweet Home Episode 1 Gameplay Pl...   Playlist Home Sweet Home 2:    • Home Sweet Home Episode 2  Gameplay P...   Playlist Pamali (Demo):    • Pamali (DEMO) Playlist   Playlist Heavy Rain:    • Heavy Rain (PC Version)   Playlist Resident Evil 0 (Zero) HD Remaster:    • Resident Evil 0 Playlist   Playlist Resident Evil 2 Remake (Leon Scenario A):    • Resident Evil 2 Remake [Leon Scenario...   Playlist Resident Evil 2 Remake (Claire Scenario B):    • Resident Evil 2 Remake [Claire Scenar...   Playlist Resident Evil 2 Remake DLC:    • Resident Evil 2 DLC Extra Mode Playlist   Playlist Resident Evil 3 Remake:    • Resident Evil 3 Remake Playlist   Playlist Resident Evil 7:    • Resident Evil 7 Playlist   Playlist Resident Evil 7 DLC:    • Resident Evil 7 DLC Playlist   Playlist Haunting Ground:    • Haunting Ground (PCSX2) gameplay walk...   Playlist Fatal Frame 2- Crimson Butterfly:    • Project Zero 2 / Fatal Frame 2 Walkth...   Playlist Ace Combat 7:    • Ace Combat 7 Playlist   Playlist SWAT 4:    • SWAT 4 Playlist   Playlist PT for PC:    • PT for PC Playlist   Playlist Final Fantasy XII-The Zodiac Age:    • Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age Play...   Playlist Need For Speed The Run:    • Need For Speed The Run Playlist   Playlist Silent Hill 3:    • Silent Hill 3 Playlist   Playlist Shadow of The Tomb Raider:    • Shadow of the Tomb Raider Playlist   Playlist Eryi's Action:    • Eryi's Action Playlist   Social media: Instagram:   / trips.games   All games on Tripsgames channel are played on my Asus laptop which is equipped with NVIDIA GEFORCE GT540M 2GB graphic card If you like this video don't forget to share, like and subscribe Tripsgames Youtube Channel. Thanks for watching. ======================================================================