Ultimate Guide on How To Add Chapters to YouTube Videos?

Ultimate Guide on How To Add Chapters to YouTube Videos?

If you watch videos on YouTube you must have noticed, on a few videos if you want to reach a particular point you need to scroll on the video progress bar. But, on a few other videos, you can reach that particular point with just a click. So what is this facility? How to add that? How to take benefit of the same? Let’s discuss all these questions in today’s video. What is these Video Chapters? You must have seen the timestamp in the video description. So users can have a clear idea that at the 2nd minute this is the content, at the 4th minute this is the content and at the 6th minute, this is the content so users can reach that location by scrolling. But, YouTube has advanced this feature with a labelled timestamp and that creates a chapter. Labelled Timestamp means Timestamp + label, If you mention at 1:30 there is a new chapter with this particular heading. This way you can create video chapters in your videos. The advantage, if your video is long and the user needs only a piece of particular information then he need not watch the entire video or scroll manually. He can click on a button to reach a desired section of the video. Due to this, your navigation within the video gets improved. For updates on marketing, advertising and social media follow me on Instagram:   / crowdmultiplier   Facebook:   / crowdmultiplier   Twitter:   / crowdmultiplier   Website: https://www.crowdmultiplier.com Messenger: https://m.me/crowdmultiplier #YouTubeMarketing #YouTubeTips #YouTubeVideoChapters #VideoChapters #KiritJAsani #CrowdMultiplier #InstagramGrowth 0:00 Introduction 0:54 What is Video Chapters on YouTube? 1:58 Benefit of Video Chapters on YouTube. 2:53 How to use Video Chapters on YouTube? 4:10 How to add chapters to already published YouTube Video?