The Last of Us Part 1 Remake | Chapter 3 - Outside & Downtown | 4K 60FPS GAMEPLAY & WALKTHROUGH

The Last of Us Part 1 Remake | Chapter 3 - Outside & Downtown | 4K 60FPS GAMEPLAY & WALKTHROUGH

In part 4 of The Last of Us Part 1, we begin Chapter 3: The Outskirts. In the first half, we must dodge the military in order to make it downtown. Once downtown however, business picks up as we run into our first Clickers. SUPPORT ON PATREON for as little as $1/month you can get early access to this show and MANY OTHERS. Patreon:   / drailed   JOIN OUR DISCORD! For voice and audio chat before and after shows with your friends from the Live Chat!   / discord   0:00 Opening 4:05 Ellie is Infected? 6:07 Dodging the Military 11:27 Sneak Attack 16:11 Home stretch to Downtown 19:40 Downtown 27:24 Our First Clicker 27:46 Searching for Supplies 32:13 Dodging Clickers 36:29 Clickers & Runners First Attempt 37:38 Clickers & Runners Second Attempt 41:22 Clickers & Runners Third Attempt 43:31 Clickers & Runners Successful Attempt 46:10 Continuing On 51:42 Subway Station Clickers First Attempt 55:06 Subway Clickers Successful Attempt 57:39 Unlocking the Safe 1:00:51 Ending #thelastofusremake #thelastofus #lastofus