Kidney Transplant Nutrition Webinar

Kidney Transplant Nutrition Webinar

Healthy Eating Before & After Kidney Transplantation Register at Submit a question at with the event code "Kidney" or click the link below Speakers Anna Richardson MPH RD Anna Richardson is a Registered Dietitian at Toronto General Hospital who has held positions in rehabilitation, oncology, and organ transplant. She has worked with transplant patients before and after their surgeries to help support their nutrition and recovery, including patients with lung, liver, heart, small bowel, and kidney transplants. She also works with hemodialysis patients to help promote optimal health in chronic kidney disease. Anna is passionate about the role of nutrition in health both before and after organ transplant as well as connecting with patients throughout their journey. Linda Cerullo MHS RD Linda Cerullo is a Registered Dietitian at the University Health Network who has been working with patients with kidney transplants and chronic kidney disease for more than 15 years. In the area of kidney transplantation, Linda’s primary emphasis has been to provide nutrition support and education during the recovery of newly transplanted kidney patients. She completed her Masters of Health Studies at Athabasca University and has been involved in various research projects focusing on supporting patients with kidney transplant. This includes updating the Canadian Association of Nephrology Dietitians’ Essential Guide chapter on Nutrition and Kidney transplant as well as being an external reviewer for Renal Transplant Knowledge pathway for the Dietitians of Canada Practice-based Evidence in Nutrition (PEN) resource. Linda recently transitioned to a new role in the area of oncology, but continues to have a strong passion for the area of kidney transplant and how nutrition can optimize patients' health during their chronic kidney disease journey. General nutrition information and resources Kidney Foundation of Canada Nutrition Resources Healthy Eating After your Kidney Transplant Ontario Renal Network Nutrition Resources Food Safety for Immunocompromised Individuals Using Herbal and Other Natural Health Products Before and After Transplant