Divine Mercy Adoration Live Today | Fr. Augustine Vallooran VC | 13 February | Divine Goodness TV
Come, let us adore Him! Join us daily for the Holy Adoration celebrated here at Divine Retreat Centre. Come and adore your Creator, Lord & Saviour. If this adoration touched your life even in a small way, then please: LIKE. COMMENT. SHARE. SUBSCRIBE. / @divinegoodnesstv Interesting Links by Divine... Sunrise with Jesus: • How Jesus Deals with the Arrogant | 1... Holy Mass at 6:30 a.m.: https://youtube.com/live/JjHhI2owLEc Prayer Intentions and Inquiries... 📝 : http://www.drcm.org/prayer-request ☎️: : +91 480 2708098 More from Divine Retreat... Do check out our website: www.drcm.org Reach Out to us on Social Media... Facebook : / divineyouth Instagram : / thedivineyouth #divineretreatcentre #Gospel #Jesus #Catholic #prayer #Anointing #English #divinemercyprayer #adoration #mercy #divinemercychaplet #healing #love