Third Sunday in Lent at 8am

Third Sunday in Lent at 8am

Morning Prayer March 20, 2022 Third Sunday in Lent 8:00 am Service available on ZOOM, Facebook, and YouTube 00:00 - Title 00:05 - Morning Prayer 00:31 - EXHORTATION 01:11 - CONFESSION OF SIN 02:06 - THE INVITATORY AND PSALTER 04:21 - FIRST LESSON 07:31 - Psalm 08:35 - SECOND LESSON 10:30 - GOSPEL READING 11:55 - APOSTLE’S CREED 12:58 - THE PRAYERS 13:37 - SUFFRAGES ‘A’ 14:27 - COLLECT OF THE DAY 14:55 - A COLLECT FOR PEACE 15:23 - THE PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE 20:00 - THE PEACE 20:09 - ANNOUNCEMENTS 21:09 - THE GENERAL THANKSGIVING 22:30 - MINISTERS OF THE LITURGY 22:35 - Credits Please Donate