Gardan ka dard - Neck & Arm Pain Causes, Symptoms and Treatment in Urdu/Hindi | Dr. Khalid Jamil

Gardan ka dard - Neck & Arm Pain Causes, Symptoms and Treatment in Urdu/Hindi | Dr. Khalid Jamil

Who is Doctor Khalid Jameel Akhtar BigB In this video, Dr. Khalid Jamil Discussed ‘’ Neck Pain that goes to the Arm ‘’ | One of the most familiar types of radiculopathy is sciatica. This can occur when a herniated disc or bone spur puts pressure on the sciatic nerve, which causes leg pain down one side. Walking is a surprisingly effective approach for relieving sciatic pain because regular walking spurs the release of pain-fighting endorphins and reduces inflammation. On the other hand, a poor walking posture may aggravate your sciatica symptoms. #BackPainTreatment #NeckPainExercise #GardanKedardkailaj #BackPainByDrKhalidJamil Dr. Khalid Jameel Akhtar is a versatile scholar and Medical professional. He holds special degrees in Rehabilitation. He is recently retired from Mayo hospital Lahore where he was working as the head of the rehabilitation department. His autobiography “Teesra Janam” has received immense appreciation all across the globe. “Nai Manzalain Naye Rastey” a comprehensive book on various disabilities is one of his distinct works. He has written various books on social issues and scientific explanations of various spiritual phenomena. His books Tesra Pehlu and Darhaqiqat cover diverse social issues.