10 Minutes Pranayama to Calm the Mind | Must do Everyday | Breathing Techniques | Pranayama

10 Minutes Pranayama to Calm the Mind | Must do Everyday | Breathing Techniques | Pranayama

🀍In this session, we will focus on the breath and understand the techniques and benefits of Pranayama and why breathing is an important part of life. ✨ The 3 Pranayama that are discussed here are: 1.) Focused Breathing 2.) Bhramari Pranayama 3.) Anulom-Vilom (With Inner retention). If you have heart ailments then please skip the retention in anulom vilom & continue with Inhalations and Exhalations. please write down in the comments section how did you feel after the session. Love & Light 🌻 Hari OmπŸ™ 🀍🀍 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Hit the Like button & Subscribe. to get notified for my upcoming videos don't forget to click the BELL ICON. πŸ”” ____________________________________________________________________________________ Instagram : @jyotsna.20 ____________________________________________________________________________________ #yogapractice #yogalife #yogaforeveryone #breathe #pranayamaclass #onlineclass #10minutesyoga #stretch #calmmind #anxietyrelief #tips_and_tricks #nadishodhana #bhramaripranayama #yogateacher