How to Get the BEST FPS in Minecraft!
This is the best way to get the most boost/increase to your fps maximum in Minecraft! Download a launcher such as ATLauncher or Prism Launcher. Then Download the "Simply Optimized" pack! *DISCORD*: / discord If you are looking for more stability try out Adrenaline. its made by the same guy that made Additive. and is very similar to simply optimised. ATLauncher: https://atlauncher.com/downloads Packs, Modrinth, then Simply Optimized (New Instance) in the launcher! Simply Optimized: https://modrinth.com/modpack/sop For the most fps! Additive: https://modrinth.com/modpack/additive For Optifine Features with more fps! Adrenaline: https://modrinth.com/modpack/adrenaline like simply optimized but more stable. Optifine: https://optifine.net/downloads Lunar Client: https://www.lunarclient.com/download/ Feather Client: https://feathermc.com/ Some extra performance mods that go with Sodium include Exordium, Debugify, Enhanced block entities, Fabric, FerriteCore, FastLoad, Lazy DFU Lithium, Memory leak fix, Indium, and more! sub -like ~scribe 🥺 #fps #boost #minecraft