Integrated Rate Laws - Zero, First, & Second Order Reactions - Chemical Kinetics

Integrated Rate Laws - Zero, First, & Second Order Reactions - Chemical Kinetics

This chemistry video tutorial provides a basic introduction into chemical kinetics. It explains how to use the integrated rate laws for a zero order, first order, and a second order reaction to solve problems. It explains how to calculate the units of the rate constant k, how to find the final concentration of the reactant, and how to solve half-life problems. Full 1 Hour 50 Minute Video: PDF Worksheet - 16 Questions: Direct Link to The Full Video: _____________________________________ Chemical Kinetics - Free Formula Sheet: Chemistry 2 Final Exam Review:    • General Chemistry 2 Review Study Guid...   ________________________________________ Chapter 12 - Video Lessons: Full 1 Hour 50 Minute Video on YouTube:    • Integrated Rate Laws - Zero, First, &...   Join The YouTube Membership Program: