🪄✨☮️Wake-Up! & Dance ~ Daily Practice Somatic Movement and Stillness Meditation
Wake-Up! & Dance is a sacred space for freedom of expression. At the core, we are all love. We are all same. The directive: love God (or whatever you call that), and love others while maintaining healthy boundaries (the distance between where I can love you and love me too), and love self. I love to meditate to awaken an elevated state of consciousness with Wake-Up! & Dance. This way of meditating uses evolved transformational meditation techniques allowing us to transform negative moods into uplifting, hopeful and inspired moods - even as the world is becoming more and more unsafe. Please join me in my daily practice of Wake-Up! & Dance, a somatic movement and stillness meditation. This meditation is all about energy. Tune in and identify "stuck," energies then practice pushing past these limitations so that we can access higher intelligence for real-world issues and discover ways to cope with the many challenges we face individually and collectively. Wake-Up! & Dance incorporates a fusion of different meditation modalities including GMP** (Gourasana Meditation Practice) somatic movement and stillness meditation. These online meditations usually last around an hour. **Wake-Up! & Dance gives a glimpse into the powerfully transformative meditation known as The Gourasana Meditation Practice (GMP) which has 4 basic components: Open, Calm, Think, Action. I invite you to join me! ❤️🔥Learn how to meditate with somatic movement & stillness ❤️🔥Get a good workout, situate yourself within and access spiritual intelligence ❤️🔥Act of self-love - do this for YOU! ❤️🔥Discover a passion for meditation ❤️🔥Find freedom of expression for all different body types Somatic dance has roots in ancient indigenous forms of spirituality. Stillness meditation is commonly known for it’s wellness benefits, but it is not easy for many people to practice stillness. Stillness meditation is much easier to practice after releasing pent up energy through ecstatic dance. Sign up at to be a part of the tribe www.denvermeditationcenter.com My favorite thing to do is listen to music and dance. It’s how I pray. It’s how I meditate. Dance to open your heart. Dance to connect to your spiritual beloved; source of love. Release and connect to a genuine place of deepest gratitude and overwhelming love through movement of the body. Then, in stillness meditation, open to receive guidance from the inner connection deepened through somatic movement and dance. If you’re familiar with the GMP style of meditation, Wake-Up! & Dance will support your practice into a shorter version of your practice, enabling you to fit it into your daily routine. If you're nursing an injury, modify your movement to support healing in the areas that are effected. It's one of the genius parts of meditating this way...we can learn to connect to our bodies, learn how to listen to the "ouch," and focus our energies where needed to support healing; body, mind, heart and soul. To learn more about the artist: www.yogi-swara.com To contact the artist: [email protected] More about meditation: www.denvermeditationcenter.com Some of you won't read this until after I've left this life. I'm thrilled to bring you unconditional love beyond time & space. I especially send love to my daughter and know that you're in my heart during all of my meditations. Part of how I have the guts to do this is because love is an energy and music helps translate that energy. If a picture says 1,000 words, then music and dance say 1,000,000,000 words...It all translates to, "I love you."