Entire Call of Duty Zombies Storyline Explained! World at War to Black Ops 6 Zombies Full Timeline

Entire Call of Duty Zombies Storyline Explained! World at War to Black Ops 6 Zombies Full Timeline

Entire Call of Duty Zombies Storyline Explained! World at War to Black Ops 6 Zombies Full Timeline (Full Aether Timeline & Dark Aether Timeline Unabridged) This has been an INSANE amount of work and is potentially the longest COD Zombies video on YouTube and one of the longest video game lore videos in existence. This is the entire Call of duty Zombies Storyline explained from World at War to Black Ops 6 Zombies for both the Aether story (WaW to Black Ops 4) and Dark Aether Story arcs/sagas (Black Ops Cold War, Vanguard, Modern Warfare III, Black Ops 6). This is the complete Aether Timeline and Dark Aether timeline explained in-depth. This video is the complete Call of Duty Zombies Movie - All Cutscenes for the Full Aether Storyline from the beginning to the end. From Nacht Der Untoten to Tag Der Toten, Die Maschine to Terminus and Liberty Falls. This video features every single Call of Duty Zombies Easter Egg Quest step story-wise and features their respective intro/ending cutscenes. Many familiar characters are featured within this video: Edward Richtofen, Nikolai Belinski, Stuhlinger (making up a part of Ultimis, Primis and Victis), Dr Monty, Shadow Man, Samantha Maxis and more. This video took a huge amount of power to make and I'd like to give a huge thank you to the following: The COD Zombies forums for an updated version of the Timeline after BO4: https://www.callofdutyzombies.com/ Thanks to the COD wiki that's summaries helped a lot with the script - https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Ca... Some lore facts from - https://x.com/CodLoreFacts Thank you to all of the following amazing people for their awesome fan art and clips that I've used in this video for stuff we don't have in-game visualisations of! - https://x.com/OYEone89 - https://x.com/Guiiiiigui_ -    / @tzghosts     / tz_ghosts   -   / the_vice_squad   - https://x.com/colin_3dart -    / @colin3dart     / jrrizzoyt   - Some of the animations -   / hellz_hbn   https://www.deviantart.com/officialwiel   / lastgen01   Some B-Roll footage from -   / superericksenyt     / rectangulator   https://www.deviantart.com/monkeyrebe... https://www.deviantart.com/jacob-lhh3/ https://www.deviantart.com/usaokay/   / grimmstein_   115 clip via: -    / @periodicvideos   ►Cherry Gamer - entities animation -   / thegamercherry   ►Help with getting B-Roll -   / blueblackwing14   Additional video credits: Videos: 1)    • All 6 Current Documents ~ Intel Locat...   By: Zombie’s OG 2)    • Miller Liberty Falls Audio Logs ~ MWZ...   By: Zombie’s OG 3)    • WATCH THIS Before You Do The LEGACY F...   By: Doughnuts 4)    • All Radio + Audio Log ~ Intel Locatio...   By: Zombie’s OG 5)    • 1 HOUR of "LIBERTY FALLS" Zombies Map...   By: LegoUnlocked 6)    • Ascension Act 4 Story Mission Guide! ...   By: WvyyFPS 7)    • NEW MW3 ZOMBIES 'INFINITE COSMOS' BLU...   By: MrDalekJD (also some radios from him) 8)    • Miller Liberty Falls Audio Logs ~ MWZ...   By: Zombie’s OG 9)    • MW3 Zombies SOLO REDWORM BOSS FIGHT (...   By: WASDResolve 10)    • How IVF works | 3D Animation   By: Dr. Paulien Moyaert 11)    • Secret Titan I Missile Silo of the Un...   By: Exploring the Unbeaten Path 12)    / @chromastone10   13) Some radios via    / @blackopsamazing   &    / @talam   14) Hes Rips for the COTD footage (accidentally spelled the name wrong in the video)    / @hesrips   15) Vlad & Fed for finding the MWR Zombies Easter egg! -    / @ruvlad   -    / @aaalicent   Thank to AC Omega for some clips from VGZ -    / @acomega  . Thank to JokerAlex2 for some clips from BOTD and others    / @jokeralex21   Thank you to xeval & thebrazentechchip    / @xeval3841   and    / @thebrazentechchip4317   for clips of The Cycle and Broken Cycle on MOTD And last, but certainly not least, Treyarch, SHG & Raven for providing the world with years of memories and joy, through ups and downs, thank you for everything Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 2:08 How the campaigns tie-in 04:14 Beginning of the Multiverse 15:12 New Vanguard Zombies Dark Aether lore 19:47 Original Timeline (World at War to Black Ops 2) 1:48:12 Fractures, Agartha & Dimension 63 (Black Ops 3 & Black Ops 2) 3:17:52 The Broken Cycle (Black Ops 4) 4:17:59 The Dark Aether Story (Black Ops Cold War & Vanguard Zombies) 6:55:19 Black Ops 6 Zombies Storyline 8:08:32 Modern Warfare III Zombies Storyline 9:29:13 How campaigns connect to Aether & Dark Aether separately and similarly 9:32:30 Where are Monty & The Shadow Man? #callofduty #blackops6 #blackops6zombies #codzombies #callofdutyzombies #Aether #DarkAether