Sunday June 27, 2021 | 10 AM 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday June 27, 2021 | 10 AM 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Presider: Fr. Artur click below --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mass Celebrants the Weekend of June 26-27, 2021 Saturday, June 26, 2021 at 5 pm - Fr. Bob Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 7:30 pm - Fr. Bob Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 10 am - Fr. Artur Music  Gathering: For the Beauty of the Earth Psalm: Ps 30 I Will Praise You Lord--I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me. Gifts: We Walk By Faith Communion: You Satisfy the Hungry Heart (Gift of Finest Wheat) Recessional: Praise to the Lord Instrumentalists Saturday, June 26, 2021 at 5pm -  Sheryl Keane Cantor; Bev McGregor, Organist Sunday, June 27 at 10am, -  Mary Meeks, Cantor; Chris Jagoe, Organist ****************************************************** 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Prayer of the Faithful Our response is: Lord, hear our prayer. For the Church, that God will strengthen our faith and free our hearts to share with those who are struggling so that they may experience God’s blessing. We pray to the Lord. For our President and the members of Congress, that God will open them to finding ways to work together to address the greatest needs in society and the advancement of the common good. We pray to the Lord. For the parents of children who are ill, that God will comfort them, ease their fear, and give them strength to keep loving and supporting their children and one another. We pray to the Lord. For all who are handicapped by age, disability, and mental illness, that they will be respected as persons and receive the food, shelter, and medical care they need. We pray to the Lord. For peace, that God will guide leaders of nations in promoting agricultural and economic development so that everyone may have food and opportunities to use their gifts. We pray to the Lord. For all who are ill, especially Richard Dunning, John McTague, Bill Norton, Judy O'Connor, Jacqueline and Addison Erb, Janet Wheelan, those afflicted by the coronavirus, and all who are remembered in our parish bulletin, that God will restore them to health and wholeness. We pray to the Lord. For family, friends, and parishioners who have died, especially Rosemary Maydick (Jack Maydick’s mother), Marie Clancy (Elizabeth Domigan’s sister), the victims of the condo disaster in Miami, the victims of the coronavirus, and for 5:00 pm Mr. & Mrs. J. Phelan, Sr., and Dr. Kaya Rosnowski, 7:30 am Grace Danylchuk, and Julienne V. O'Farrell, 10:00 am Patricia Ann Strobel, Neil Cochran, David Kelly, and Jennie Zammetti, whom we remember at this Mass, that God will welcome them into the joy of eternal life. We pray to the Lord. ========================================== Announcements: June 26/27, 2021 Announcements at end of mass: 1: This weekend is the last Sunday for reception of Holy Communion in the parking lot at 11:00 a.m., our thanks for all who came to receive Christ in this special manner as well as those who assisted in the distribution of Eucharist and hospitality. 2: The Chathams and Madison invite you to an evening to celebrate our diversity. This will take place on Wednesday, June 30 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. at Lum Lawn at the Chatham train station south parking lot.