Prayer Covenant - September 29, 2023

Prayer Covenant - September 29, 2023

Prayer Covenant Friday, September 29, 2023 Speaker: Ms. Aliah Broqueza Dizon Devotional Passage: Psalm 78:1-4, 12-16 #stpaulumc #prayercovenant Please LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube Channel    • Prayer Covenant - September 29, 2023   Watch more videos at   / spumcmla   Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me The United Methodist Hymnal Number 361 Text: Augustus M. Toplady, 1740-1778 Music: Thomas Hastings, 1784-1872 Music Credits: Rock of Ages by Reawaken (Acoustic Hymn) Reawaken Hymns @Reawakenhymns    • Rock of Ages by Reawaken (Acoustic Hymn)   Rock of Ages - piano instrumental hymn Kaleb Brasee @kbrasee    • Rock of Ages - piano instrumental hymn   In His Presence - DappyTKeys Piano - 3 Hour Instrumental Music for Meditation & Prayer    • In His Presence: 3 Hour Instrumental ...   Hymns and songs do not belong to St. Paul UMC Manila All credits belong to the right owners. No copyright intended. For worship purposes only. Use of videos follows the FAIR USE Guideline of Facebook and Youtube