Advent Service 2021 12 08
Prince of Peace mid-week Advent Service for the Second Week of Advent.
[8:30 PM SERVICE] Advent Lutheran Church- 12/24/2021 The Nativity of Our Lord: Christmas Eve
Fourth Midweek Advent Service 12/19/2021 at 8:30 AM
Worship (2021/12/19) Fourth Sunday in Advent
8:30AM Worship Service - 12/19/2021 4th Sunday of Advent
12-19-2021 8:00am Traditional Service (Fourth Sunday of Advent)
2021-12-19 8:00 AM The Fourth Sunday In Advent
2021-12-19 8:00 am 4th Sunday of Advent, Holy Eucharist, Rite I
CTK Worship Fourth Sunday of Advent 12/19/2021 8:30 AM
2021-12-19 8:00 AM 4th Sunday In Advent Worship Service - Christ Stevensville
Worship Service 8:00am 12/19/2021 - The Fourth Sunday in Advent
Fourth Sunday of Advent 8:00am Rite 1 Eucharist Service - December 19th, 2021
CTK 12/08/21 Midweek Advent Service
2021-12-19 - Advent 4C
2021-12-19 - 8 AM 4th Sunday in Advent - Christ Stevensville
Zion Lutheran Church Brainerd Mn 12:00 Service 3rd Wednesday of Advent 12-08-2021
2021-12-15 1:00 PM Children's Advent Worship Service - Christ Stevensville
Abiding Savior Mid-week Advent Service - 2021-12-15
School Advent service - 12/15/2021
Wednesday Week 3 Advent December 15, 2021 8:45am
Advent Midweek Worship 12-08-21