머릿속의 감옥에서 탈출 #shorts
#용수스님 #알아차림 #티벳불교 #세첸코리아 #렛고명상 #상대적인마음 #자기집착 #윤회에서벗어나기 #samsara #conditioned_mind #meditation #tibetanbuddhism #free_from_suffering #self-obsession #shorts 모든 고통의 원인은 자기집착입니다 자기집착은 생각으로 나타납니다 생각하는 마음을 초월하는 게 수행입니다 The self-obsession, or self-attachment, is manifested through thoughts, the thinking mind It must be transcended We must be free from thinking mind, because the thinking mind has us in the prison In Buddhism we call it samsara - the cyclic existence, the cycle of suffering In meditation we try to be free from the cycle of suffering, and trying to get to know our true nature