Animals You’ve Probably Never Heard Of
Amazing uncommon animals! These unusual and strange animals are not your typical horse, monkey, or cat Subscribe for more videos: http://bit.ly/2vW6JVo Though it may have bear in its name, this thick furred critter is actually a tree-dwelling marsupial native to the island of Sulawesi and other forests in Indonesia. The 15-to-20 pound Sulawesi Bear Cuscus can grow to a length of 2 feet on average, and has a tail that will measure close to the same length. These herbivorous mammals live in groups of two to four individuals, keeping adolescents safe in a natural pouch as the vulnerable species slowly scours for leaves and flowers to consume. The Eurasian steppe is vast biome containing shrub and grasslands and stretches from Bulgaria and Eastern Europe across Asia and into Mongolia. Checkered throughout this massive ecosystem is the critically endangered Saiga Antelope. This species of antelope isn't the largest, with a shoulder height of just 24 to 32 inches, a length of 39 to 55 inches, and a weight ranging between 57 and 152 pounds for adults. Still, this hasn't kept local populations from hunting them since prehistoric eras. While initially sought after for consumption due to the lamb-like texture and taste of Saiga meat, their horns have actually driven them to the point of being endangered. A traditional Chinese medicine relies on Saiga Antelope horns as a main ingredient, and poaching of the protected species remains a consistent problem with the horns selling for thousands of dollars each on the black market. The Bat-Eared Fox is split into two subspecies, residing within two separate regions of Africa. The virgatus subspecies makes its home on the Eastern coast of the continent in nations like Ethiopia, Sudan and Tanzania , while the megalotis version can be seen along the Southern tip of Africa in Zambia , Angola , South Africa and elsewhere. These foxes prefer to hunt among short grasslands, filling their diet with ants, beetles, scorpions, crickets and termites, the last of which tends to make up 80 to 90 percent of their diet. However, in desperate situations they have been known to turn to birds, reptiles, smaller mammals, and even truffles for nutrience. Because of their inclinations towards eating termites, they are not majorly threatened by most local human populations due to their role as a form of natural pest control.