Exercise 7a | Oxford New Countdown | Grade 4 | Iqra Zahra
Exercise 7a | Oxford New Countdown | Grade 4 | Iqra Zahra Dear Students! In this lecture, we will coverd the complete exercise 7a of chapter 7 (Geometry) of Oxford New Countdown Book 3 Third Edition from book page number 163 & 164. In this lecture, you will understand the following topics. 1. Line, measuring straight and curved line by using divider and ruler, draw the line by using divider and ruler. 2. Horizontal and vertical lines by using set square. 3. Parallel and Non-Parellel lines by using set square. 4. Complete Exercise 7a a) Measure the length of line segments by using ruler and divider. b) Draw the length of line segments by using ruler and divider. c) Draw vertical and horizental lines. In this chapter, you will learn the following topics in details. 1. Recognise and identify parallel and non-parallel lines. 2. Recognise an angle formed by intrections of two rays. 3. Measure angles in degrees by using protractor. 4. Draw an angle of given measurements and use the symbol to represent it. 5. Differentiate acute, obtuse and right angles. 6. Measure angles by using protractor where a) Upper scale of protractor reads the measure of angle from left to right. b) Lower scale of protractor reads the measure of angle from right to left. 7. Identify right angle in 2D shapes. 8. Descrive radius, diameter and circumference of a circle. 9. Recognise line of symmetry in two dimensional (2D) shapes. 10. Complete a symmetrical figure with respect to a given line of symmetry on square grid / dot pattern. 11. Compare and sort 3D objects (Cubes, Cuboids, Pyramids, cylinder, cone, sphere). Other related Cources Playlists are as under. 1. Oxford New Countdown Grade 2 Playlist Link. • Oxford New Countdown Book 2 New Sylla... 2. Oxford New Countdwon Grade 3 Playlist Link. • Oxford New Countdown Book 3 New Sylla... 3. Oxford New Countdown Grade 4 Playlist Link. • Oxford New Countdown Book 4 New Sylla... 4. Oxford New Countdown Grade 5 Playlist. • Oxford New Countdown Book 5 New Sylla... 5. Mathematics Class 10 | National Book Foundation • New Mathematics book Class 10th | Fed... 6. Mathematics Class 7 | Punjab Syllabus • Class 7th Mathematics Punjab Syllabus 7. Mathematics Class 8 | Punjab Syllabus • Class 8th Mathematics 8. Mathematics Class 9 | Punjab Syllabus • Class 9th Mathematics Punjab Syllabus 9. Mathematics Class 10 | Punjab Syllabus • Mathematics Class 10th 10. Past Papers 2024 • Physics Past Papers 2024 11. Class 9 Physics Numericals | Punjab Syllabus • Physics Class 9th Numericals 12. Physics Class 9 | Punjab Syllabus • Physics Class 9th Unit # 1 (Physical ... #oxfordnewcountdown #grade4math #oxfordmaths #chapter7 #geometry #countdown #newmaths #lines #ray #segments #points #drawing_line_segments #measuring_straight_line #measuring_curved_line #using_thread #dividers #ruler #horizontal_line #vertical_line #set_square #parallel_lines #non_parallel_line #exercise7a #exercise_solution #snc2022 #snc_maths #iqrazahra #iqramaths #easymaths #end_point #maths #education #educationalvideo #newsession2024_25 #newsyllabus2024 #2024_25 #newmathebook