How to farm Leviathan FAST [ Blox Fruits ] FULL GUIDE

How to farm Leviathan FAST [ Blox Fruits ] FULL GUIDE

If you wanted a guide to spawn leviathan for sanguine or beast hunter, here it is! Let me know what tutorial I should make next! 👾Discord server with extra giveaways:   / discord   📷Twitch (where you can use watch points for guarantied fruits):   / funknovaluyt   🐤Twitter:   / funknovalu   🏆Patreon:   / funknovalu   0:22 Bribing the Spy 0:40 Spawning Leviathan 0:47 Protect the Boat 1:13 Common Misconceptions 1:53 Fighting Leviathan 2:18 Return the Heart 2:54 Outro and Crafting Location