Zombie Army Trilogy - Ep3 - Army Of Darkness - ALL Bottles AND Gold
Welcome to our final part of Episode 3 - "Beyond Berlin" - Army Of Darkness Collectible Guide for Zombie Army Trilogy You saw it here FIRST - First To Post all collectibles, and il be honest it has been a long slog through - More hours than I care to remember . We are currently getting bad comments on Steam by some people that believe they should be the only ones to post guides, a terrible view, and one that has no bearing in the communities we are part of and do our best to assist. NTA Game Guides, We are often imitated, copied, and often ripped off with our guides. It is a horrible thing for others to do. For some reason, more often than not we end up being over looked by viewers. We obviously want our guides seen, If you have any idea why we aren't as big as those that copy us, please let us know. We love you all, even if you aren't a subscriber - But if your not, Why aren't you? Let us know and we will do everything we can to make ourselves better. Often copied, never matched, but don't do as well as the copycats ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ Please watch: "Hard Reset Redux - Mission 1: First Contact - All Collectibles" • Hard Reset Redux - Mission 1: First C... ~-~~-~~~-~~-~