Psalm 51: I Will Rise
Photo courtesy of Mark Etienne 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C Chords and Lyrics E A5 B5 A5 I will rise, I will rise E A5 I will rise and go to my father F#m B Have mercy on me O God C#m B A in your kindness, in your compassion F#m B C#m B A Blot out my offense and wash me more and more B from my guilt and cleanse me from my sin F#m B A pure heart create in me C#m B A O God a steadfast spirit within me F#m B Cast me not from your presence C#m B A Nor deprive me of you B Your Holy Spirit F#m B O Lord open my lips C#m B A and my mouth shall declare your praise F#m B My sacrifice a contrite spirit C#m B A for a humbled contrite heart B you will not spurn