These cookies melt in your mouth! With only few ingredients! God, how delicious!
These cookies melt in your mouth! With only few ingredients! God, how delicious! 170 g of butter 80 g of powdered sugar 1 tbsp of oil 1 egg 8 g of vanilla sugar pinch of salt 320 g of flour 1 g of baking powder 1tbsp corstarch 1 tbsp cacao 30 minutes in freezer bake at 180° for 20 minutes peach jam peanuts #yzadolce #recipe #cooking #cookies #CookiesHomemade #biscuit #biscuits #dolci #dolce_facile_e_veloce #dolce #yemek #yemektarifleri #yzadolce #strawberry #biscuitrecipe #cookiesrecipe #biscuitsrecipeeasy #christmascookies #strawberryjamrecipe #kurabiye #kurabiyetarifi #shortbread #easybiscuitrecipe #easy #delicious #easyrecipe #confiture #peachjam #jambiscuits #صابلي #chocolatebiscuits #coconutbiscuit #بسكويت