These cookies melt in your mouth! With only few ingredients! God, how delicious!

These cookies melt in your mouth! With only few ingredients! God, how delicious!

These cookies melt in your mouth! With only few ingredients! God, how delicious! 170 g of butter 80 g of powdered sugar 1 tbsp of oil 1 egg 8 g of vanilla sugar pinch of salt 320 g of flour 1 g of baking powder 1tbsp corstarch 1 tbsp cacao 30 minutes in freezer bake at 180° for 20 minutes peach jam peanuts #yzadolce #recipe #cooking #cookies #CookiesHomemade #biscuit #biscuits #dolci #dolce_facile_e_veloce #dolce #yemek #yemektarifleri #yzadolce #strawberry #biscuitrecipe #cookiesrecipe #biscuitsrecipeeasy #christmascookies #strawberryjamrecipe #kurabiye #kurabiyetarifi #shortbread #easybiscuitrecipe #easy #delicious #easyrecipe #confiture #peachjam #jambiscuits #صابلي #chocolatebiscuits #coconutbiscuit #بسكويت