THERE IS NO WAY! BAT SOUP?! BAT SOUP!! THIS IS THE MOST UNUSUAL FOODS PEOPLE ACTUALLY EAT! Welcome back everyone to another Reaction video, this time we are reacting to the Top 10 Most Disgusting Foods in The World! These are foods of course that people actually eat, like people actually eat this... I am not joking, and you'll see some of the crazy crap that these people put in their bodies and just how INSANE IT IS!! There is one in particular, if the thumbnail didn't give it away already, that will blow your mind! I cannot believe this is actually a thing! If only the world knew, 2020 may have been a normal year. But alas! If you like this reaction video and want to see more like it, check out the rest of our channel for some other react videos and some gaming, some vlogs, something for everyone! Original video:    • Top 10 Most Disgusting Foods   If you like this video then make sure you let us know by hitting the like button and subscribing if you want to see more! If you have any ideas about what you want us to react to next, let us know in the comments! Hope you all enjoyed the video! THE MOST UNUSUAL FOODS PEOPLE ACTUALLY EAT SIDEMENREACTS SIDEMEN REACTS Check us out on our Social Media Sites: Twitter - G.O.T Games (@GOTGAMES_TB) Twitch - G.O.T Games Facebook - G.O.T Games G.O.T Games.