Surah ekhlas||alquran #shortvideo#qurantilawathearttouchingvoice

Surah ekhlas||alquran #shortvideo#qurantilawathearttouchingvoice

Surah ekhlas||alquran #shortvideo#qurantilawathearttouchingvoice Viral video plz Subscrib my channel đŸ‡”đŸ‡° tilawat QuranđŸ„° #shorts​ #viralvideos​ #quranrecitation​ #motivation​ #quran​ Quran tilawat đŸ„° #shabbirsahar​ #quranrecitation​ #motivation​ #quran​ đŸ‡”đŸ‡° Qari Abubakar's Beautiful Quran Recitation in Iran | Winner from Pakistan Audience searches: quran recitation quran tilawat quran recitation really beautiful beautiful quran recitation best recitation of quran in the world surah yaseen beautiful recitation iran army general reciting quran in his beautiful voice quran best quran recitation holy quran recitation beautiful quran recitation by pakistani boy in taraweeh final tilawat abubakar quran qari muhammad abubakar pakistan qari abubakar tilawat in iran full quran recitation amazing quran recitation bangal al quran allah beautiful quran beautiful quran recitation best quran recitation islam islam quran lo fi lofi lofi hiphop lofi music lofi quran for sleep lofi quran study meditation quran memorize quran quran quran for relaxation quran for sleep quran for study quran lofi quran rain quran recitation really beautiful quran recitation with rain quran reflectionsquran sleep quran tilawat quran tilawat beautiful voice recitation study music surah #مŰčŰ±ÙŰȘŰ§ŰłÙ„Ű§Ù…â€‹ #quranrecitation​ #motivation​ #quran​ #shabbirsahar​ #quranrecitation​ #motivation​ #quran​ #QuranRecitation​ #QariAbubakar​ #Pakistan​ #Iran​ #IslamicVideo​ #BeautifulRecitation​ #InspirationalTilawat​ #tilawatemaqbool​ surah al ikhlas,surah,quran,surah ikhlas,surah al-ikhlas,surah ikhlas bangla,ikhlas,surah e ikhlas,al ikhlas,al ikhlas surah,surah ikhlas 100x,surah al ikhlas anak,surah al ikhlas 100x,surat al ikhlas,100 dafa surah ikhlas,surah ikhlas 100 dafa,surah ikhlas tarjuma,quran for kids,surah al ikhlas kartun,surah ikhlas 100 times.,learn quran,surah ikhlas for children,surah ikhlas hafez takrim,hafez takrim surah ikhlas,surah al ikhlaas for kids Theme and Subject-Matter: A little consideration of the traditions regarding the occasion of the revelation of this Surah shows what were the religious concepts of the world at the time the Holy Prophet began to preach the message of Tauhid. The idolatrous polytheists were worshipping gods made of wood, stone, gold, silver and other substances. These gods had a form, shape and body. The gods and goddesses were descended from each other. No goddess was without a husband and no god without a wife. They stood in need of food and drink and their devotees arranged these for them. A large number of the polytheists believed that God assumed human form and there were some people who descended from Him. Although the Christians claimed to believe in One God, yet their God also had at least a son, and besides the Father and Son, the Holy Ghost also had the honor of being an associate in Godhead: so much so that God had a mother and a mother-in-law too. The Jews also claimed to believe in One God, but their God too was not without physical, material and other human qualities and characteristics. He went for a stroll, appeared in human form, wrestled with a servant of His, and was father of a son, Ezra. Besides these religious communities, the zoroastrianism were fire worshipers, and the Sabeans star worshipers. Under such conditions when the people were invited to believe in Allah, the One; Who has no associate, it was inevitable that questions arose in the minds as to what kind of a God it was, Who was one and Only Lord and invitation to believe in Whom was being given at the expense of all other gods and deities. It is a miracle of the Quran that in a few words briefly it answered all the questions and presented such a clear concept of the Being of Allah as destroyed all polytheistic concepts, without leaving any room for the ascription of any of the human qualities to His Being.