NEW WORLD MMO ► Everything We Know About PVP Battlegrounds|Potential Issues (Outpost Rush Breakdown)

NEW WORLD MMO ► Everything We Know About PVP Battlegrounds|Potential Issues (Outpost Rush Breakdown)

02/18/2021 Amazon recently dropped a bombshell of news on us including the game's delay and their upcoming features. Within these features we got to take a look at the PVP Battlegrounds (Outpost Rush - 20v20) and get a tease of what's to come. Now it's time to break down what we've learned so far about the PVP feature and talk about what some Potential Issues might be. As always, diving right into this very big topic regarding the PVP Battleground known as Outpost Rush, how it impacts the world of Aeternum and it's future, some hidden details hidden in there, a discussion about potential issues, and more! Amazon New World Playlist -    • Amazon's New World MMO - News & Infor...   New World Lore Playlist -    • Amazon's New World MMO - Complete Lor...   7 Potential Issues of New World Video -    • Amazon's ☁️NEW WORLD MMO 7 ISSUES THA...   Official Trailer -    • New World: Aeternum Awaits - Official...   Dev Diary #3 (Combat) -    • Developer Diary: Call to Arms   New World Development Update - Sign up for Closed Beta - #NewWorldMMO #Amazon #SpecialEvent #Reekwater #gameawards2019 #MMO #MMORPG #Gaming #Alpha #NewWorld #AmazonNewWorld #SerMedieval #cursenetwork Join forces with scores of other players to form powerful companies of craftspeople, mercenaries, prospectors and architects. Claim territories and leverage your dominion to consolidate power and compel loyalty. Fight for survival against enemy raiders, brutal wilderness, and gathering evil. Craft hundreds of items, from magical elixirs and deadly weapons to sprawling fortifications. Special thanks to Patrons: Loth, E M, Stephen, slaier, decadentia84, xSheep873, And Top 20 Channel Members - naughtonpaul23 Skitzo Willem Iets Marius Balčiūnas Laron Bradley Odseus Phil Socoloff Nypam DiaTribal emarks26 Silv Rosario Daniel Dubé Manuel Pimentel CatherineRose blackthantos Be sure to slice that like, subscribe, and turn on notifications - these days it's the only way to grow as a creator!