Today's Mass Readings - October 23, 2024 Wednesday | English Catholic Mass Reading and Gospel

Today's Mass Readings - October 23, 2024 Wednesday | English Catholic Mass Reading and Gospel

English Catholic Mass Readings. Today's Holy Rosary :    • Wednesday Rosary | October 23, 2024 |...   Wednesday, 23 October 2024 First Reading: Ephesians 3: 2-12 Responsorial Psalm: Isaiah 12: 2-3, 4bcd, 5-6 Alleluia: Matthew 24: 42a, 44 Gospel: Luke 12: 39-48 You will draw water joyfully from the springs of salvation. #TheHolyHour #TodaysHolyMassReadings #HolyMassReadings #todaybibleverse #TodaysCatholicMassReadingsAndGospel #TodaysGospelReading #TodayMassReadings #GospelReadingForToday #GospelToday #TodaysGospel #TodaysHolyMassReadingsEnglish #septemberbiblereadings #septembermassreadings today bible verse in Tamil Daily bible reading catholic bible verse in Tamil today's bible reading mass readings for today catholic bible reading for today today's mass readings today's reading catholic bible reading for today bible readings for today catholic readings for today daily mass readings for today today's bible verse in tamil today's catholic readings daily mass readings bible tamil catholic mass readings for today tamil bible reading today bible reading today's reading catholic mass bible reading bible reading in tamil bible reading today bible vasanam in tamil catholic daily reflections catholic readings today catholic today's reading daily bible reading #TodayBibleVerse #tamil #Todayverse #இன்றையவேதவசனம் இன்றைய வசனம் | Today Bible Verse in Tamil and English | Today bible words in Tamil and English | Today bible vasanam in tamil and English | Today Bible reading in tamil and English | Today Promise #TodayBibleVerse #TodayBibleWords #இன்றையவசனம் #BibleVerseForToday #HolyBibleVerses #BibleVerses #Promiseverse #Promiseoftheday #BibleVerses