soul vs soulless Resident Evil 4 comparison

soul vs soulless Resident Evil 4 comparison

The forbidden comparison. OG recorded on Gamecube version (upscaled) for its original color saturation and lighting. Same audio levels as playthroughs on youtube. Check the pinned comment. Complementary analysis by The Electric Underground:    • Resident Evil 4 Remake is NOT a Maste...   Remake title screen voice is locked behind paid DLC: • Why is the Ganados intro cutscene missing? The opening recalls how the original gradually builds up the reveal of Las Plagas, in contrast to the remake, which spoils the parasite threat during the first playable encounter. • X new cutscene and Y new feature aren't showcased? The average reviewer isn't willing to mention what the remake removed or butchered, otherwise this comparison wouldn't have been made. • "Resident 4 remake is a masterpiece"? Irony - 1. the humorous or mildly sarcastic use of words to imply the opposite of what they normally mean. 0:00 He's not a zombie... 1:12 Environment & atmosphere intro 1:57 Part 1 (Village) 11:13 Part 2 (Castle) 15:59 Voice acting & dialogue 19:24 Others (rifle & butterfly reloads, deaths, el gigante...) 23:09 Krauser 25:57 Part 3 (Island) 35:05 Cut content