6th Sunday of Easter Year B Sunday May 5, 2024
6th Sunday of Easter Year B Sunday May 5, 2024 Mass Readings for the 6th Sunday of Easter Year B First Reading - Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48: Peter realized God's impartiality and while he spoke, the Holy Spirit filled everyone present, Jew and Gentile alike. Peter baptized the Gentiles, affirming their reception of the Spirit. Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 98: Sing to the LORD for His marvelous deeds and victory. He has revealed His salvation and righteousness to all people, remembering His love and faithfulness to Israel. Second Reading - 1 John 4:7-1: Love originates from God, and those who love know Him, because God is love itself. God demonstrated His love by sending His Son as a sacrifice for our sins. Gospel - John 15:9-17: Jesus instructs His disciples about remaining in His love by obeying His commandments, similar to His adherence to the Father's. He desires their complete joy through this mutual love. Emphasizing the ultimate expression of love—sacrificing one’s life for friends—he elevates them from servants to friends, sharing divine truths. Jesus underscores His choice of them to bear lasting fruit and assures that their requests in His name will be granted by the Father. His central command: love one another. The Official YouTube Channel for Holy Trinity Catholic Church - Kileleshwa A Community of Love Unity and Service (COLUS) located along Othaya Road, Nairobi, Kenya. Live church service, Daily Bible Readings and Homilies.