A Quick Vinyasa Flow Yoga Class - Five Parks Yoga
This yoga class includes a spinal warm-up (cat cows and all the good stuff) and then we move toward flow sequences which include Warrior 2, lunges, squats, splits, mandala and more. Breath to movement and a lot of energy and movement in a compact time. I hope you love this class, don't forget to subscribe and like the class and please leave a comment if you have thoughts about this one! Enjoy! 😍 Want to help support Five Parks Yoga create even more classes? Consider becoming a supporter at: https://fiveparksyoga.com/support/ 👕 Have you seen our newest merch? Yoga mats, tanks, t-shirts and so much more! New designs are released all the time, so be sure to check it all out! https://five-parks-yoga.creator-sprin... ✈ 🏝 Want to join Erin and her team on a Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica?? We host multiple retreats per year and we'd love to have you join us! Learn More: http://fiveparksyoga.com/yoga-retreats/ 📅 How about 30 days of yoga? Join one of our Free 30 Day Yoga Challenges and we'll send you a new class every day for a month! Sign up for free at: https://fiveparksyoga.com/challenges/ 🌴 Did you know you can rent Casa Colorado where we film all of our classes for the perfect tropical family vacation? Exclusive discounts for Five Parks Yoga subscribers at https://fiveparksyoga.com/casacolorado/ #yoga #fiveparksyoga #yogaretreats Yoga Instructor: Erin Sampson Location: Tamarindo, Costa Rica Venue: Casa Colorado http://CasaColoradoCR.com Visit us Online: http://FiveParksYoga.com Follow us on Facebook: / fiveparksyoga Follow us on Instagram: / fiveparksyoga Sign up for news about Erin's upcoming yoga retreats! http://fiveparksyoga.com/yoga-retreats/ Do you have a class request for Erin? Let her know! http://fiveparksyoga.com/classrequest/ Want to know Erin's favorite Yoga Mat? Favorite Yoga Pants? http://fiveparksyoga.com/reviews/ Produced by Tamarindo Films: http://tamarindofilms.com/