Fall Lawn Fertilizer//Cool Season

Fall Lawn Fertilizer//Cool Season

Fall is a great time to make your lawn look its best and be ready to start next spring with a faster pop of green. Loading up on nitrogen is a great way to help your lawn in the fall and next spring as the roots will store that energy to be used in the future, helping your lawn green up more quickly. Because temps are slowly dropping along with microbial activity a fast release or synthetic fertilizer will be best. Urea or ammonium nitrate are great options as these are readily available to the grass. As always get what your lawn needs. 0:00 Fall Lawn Care 0:30 Use the right fert. 1:15 Benefits of Nitrogen 1:40 2 types of Nitrogen 2:13 Rates of Nitrogen Examples Using: 12.5 lb bag covers 5000 sq ft. (32 - 0 - 4) analysis; my area of coverage is 2500 sq ft Calculate how much to cover 1000 sq ft: 12.5/5= 2.5 lb Calculate how much to put down at 0.5 lb N per 1000 sq ft. 0.5/.32=1.56 lb so I will need 3.9 lb. __________________________________________________________________ Subscribe to my channel so you don’t miss out on any future content.    / @liveyourbestlawn   Connect with me: Visit my website to learn more: https://www.liveyourbestlawn.com Facebook: https://www.facebook/bestlawn.life Instagram:   / live.your.best.lawn   ___________________________________________________________________________________ Check out this video: How to overseed a lawn    • How to Overseed Your Lawn: Easy to Fo...   __________________________________________________________________________________ Products: Do-My-Own https://shrsl.com/36byw Yard Mastery https://shrsl.com/36byx I participate in affiliate advertising and will receive a small commission for products purchased from the links above. Thank You!