Coordination Compounds Class 12 Chemistry One Shot | New NCERT Chapter 5  | CBSE NEET |Full chapter

Coordination Compounds Class 12 Chemistry One Shot | New NCERT Chapter 5 | CBSE NEET |Full chapter

Download the Android App: Ask Doubts: Class 12 CBSE Chemistry NCERT Chapter 5 Coordination Compounds JEE Maths:-   • Maths JEE pe Jeet Series IIT Learnohu...   JEE Chemistry:-   • Physical Chemistry JEE pe Jeet Series...      • Organic Chemistry JEE pe Jeet LearnoH...   JEE Physics:-   • Physics JEE pe Jeet Series Learnohub ...   NEET Physics:-   • LearnoHub NEET pe Jeet series Physics...   NEET Biology:-   • LearnoHub NEET pe Jeet series Biology...   NEET Chemistry:-   • LearnoHub NEET pe Jeet series Organic...      • LearnoHub NEET pe Jeet Series | Physi...   Class 12 CBSE Chemistry NCERT Chapter 5 Coordination Compounds Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 1:01 Coordination Compounds 2:34 Why study Coordination compounds? 3:38 Theory on coordination compounds 3:59 Alfred Werner 4:31 Werner Theory of Co-ordination compounds 20:26 Double Salt Vs. Complex 22:06 Coordination compounds: New terms 23:19 Coordination Entity 24:30 Central atom/ion 27:50 Ligands 34:32 Ligands : Chelate complexes 36:48 Ligands:Denticity 37:30 Coordination Number 40:27 Coordination sphere 41:32 Oxidation Number of central atom 44:03 Homoleptic & Heteroleptic complexes 45:12 Nomenclature of Coordination Compounds 46:11 Nomenclature Rules 48:28 Nomenclature:Ligand Names 53:42 Nomenclature Rules 57:43 Nomenclature:Practice Time 1:08:35 Nomenclature:Write Formula 1:09:49 Formula Writing: Practice Time 1:12:08 Isomerism in coordination compounds 1:16:58 Structural isomerism 1:19:24 Stereoisomerism 1:21:29 Structural Isomerism : Ionization Isomerism 1:26:22 Structural Isomerism : Solvate/Hydrate Isomerism 1:29:39 Structural Isomerism : Linkage Isomerism 1:33:15 Structural Isomerism : Coordination Isomerism 1:35:11 Stereoisomerism : Geometrical Isomerism 1:45:03 Geometrical Isomerism in square planar complexes 1:59:43 Geometrical Isomerism in octahedral complexes 2:06:53 Stereo Isomerism : Optical Isomerism 2:20:24 Stereo isomerism: Example 1. 2:22:33 Stereo isomerism: Example 2. 2:25:33 Bonding in Coordination Compounds 2:26:42 Valence Bond Theory 2:43:09 Valence Bond Theory:Magnetic Behaviour 2:45:15 Valence Bond Theory : Predict Shape & Magnetic Behaviour 2:52:26 Valence Bond Theory: Limitations 2:53:33 Concept:Energy of Orbitals 2:55:58 CFT in Octahedral coordination entities 3:02:04 CFT : Crystal Field Splitting & Pairing Energy 3:06:48 CFT in Tetrahedral coordination entities 3:08:49 CFT : Color in Coordination compounds 3:14:49 CFT:Limitations 3:15:44 Importance & Applications Coordination Compounds Class 12 Chemistry | Previous Year Questions | CBSE Coordination Compounds Questions |Coordination Compounds NCERT notes pdf | CBSE Chemistry | Curated videos | Revised NCERT Syllabus | Why study Coordination compounds? | Alfred Werner | Theory on coordination compounds | Werner Theory of Co-ordination compounds | Double Salt Vs. Complex | Coordination compounds: New terms | Coordination Entity | Central atom/ion | Ligands | Ligands : Chelate complexes | Ligands:Denticity | Coordination Number | Coordination sphere | Oxidation Number of central atom | Homoleptic & Heteroleptic complexes | Nomenclature of Coordination Compounds | Isomerism in coordination compounds | Structural isomerism | Stereoisomerism | Structural Isomerism : Ionization Isomerism | Structural Isomerism : Solvate/Hydrate Isomerism | Structural Isomerism : Linkage Isomerism | Structural Isomerism : Coordination Isomerism | Geometrical Isomerism in square planar complexes | Stereo Isomerism : Optical Isomerism | Bonding in Coordination Compounds | Valence Bond Theory | Valence Bond Theory: Limitations | Valence Bond Theory:Magnetic Behaviour | CFT in Octahedral coordination entities | CFT : Crystal Field Splitting & Pairing Energy | CFT in Tetrahedral coordination entities | CFT : Color in Coordination compounds | CFT:Limitations | Importance & Applications | New NCERT Syllabus | Chemsitry CBSE Coaching | NCERT Chemistry for CBSE | Free explanation | One shot (formerly called ExamFear Education) is a Free Education platform with more than 6000 videos on Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology, English, Science experiments, tips & tricks and motivational videos for Classes 6 to 12. Learn for Free! Website: Facebook: Instagram: Join our Telegram Groups Classes 6 to 10 : Classes 11 and 12 : #CBSEClass12Chemistry #ConceptHogaCrystalClear #LearnoHubChemistry Copyright © All rights reserved. LearnoHub | ExamFear Education"