NCERT Class 6 History | Chapter 7 : Ashoka, the Emperor Who Gave up War - Part 1

NCERT Class 6 History | Chapter 7 : Ashoka, the Emperor Who Gave up War - Part 1

NCERT - Class 6 History - Chapter 7 (Chapter 8 in previous editions) Ashoka, the Emperor who gave up War Class 6 History NCERT Chapter 7 Chapter 8 in previous editions Part 1 In this lecture, we will cover Class 6 history NCERT chapter 7. "Ashoka, the emperor who gave up war" (part 1) It was Chapter 8 in previous editions In this part of chapter 7, we will study about the difference between an empire and a kingdom, the famous empire built by Chandragupta Maurya, his advisor Chanakya or Kautilya, and the book Arthashastra written by Kautilya. We will also cover the capital cities of the Mauryan period, the administration system in the Mauryan empire, the difference between tax and tribute, and then, have a look at the description of India by Megasthenes. All important point of this chapter will be explained in an easy to understand and remember way. This way, it will be easier to grasp and memorise these ideas for class 6 exams, as well as, various competitive exams, like UPSC, bank PO, cds, ssc gl, etc. Target Treasure - We have also given extra general knowledge points in the lecture, which were not included in the NCERT book. These extra gm points will help students by enhancing their knowledge, and understanding history better. Class 6 History Chapter 6 (part 1) -    • NCERT Class 6 History | Chapter 6 : N...   Class 6 History Chapter 6 (part 2) -    • NCERT Class 6 History | Chapter 6 : N...   Ncert, ncert book, History, history of India, ncrt, cbse, ncert class 6, ncert class 6 history, ncert history book, ncert book, class 6 ncert history, class 6 history, ncert books history, social science, history ncert, class 6 history, class 6 history ncert, sst, social studies, online class, online course, For more information, visit: #ncert #history #class6 #chapter7 #chapter8 #upsc #bankpo #sscgl #cds Instagram - @Keepitsimple_official