The Spooky Evolution of Halloween: From Ancient Rituals to Modern Celebrations

The Spooky Evolution of Halloween: From Ancient Rituals to Modern Celebrations

Explore the captivating history of Halloween in this video, tracing its journey from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain to today's globally celebrated holiday. Discover how Halloween originated over 2,000 years ago, marked by the Celts’ beliefs in spirits and the changing seasons. Learn about the influence of Christianity in shaping the customs of All Hallows' Eve, and how Irish and Scottish immigrants brought these traditions to America, transforming Halloween into the festive occasion it is today. We'll also highlight various international celebrations like Día de los Muertos and Diwali, showcasing the diverse ways cultures honor their ancestors and the past. #Halloween #HistoryOfHalloween #Samhain #DíaDeLosMuertos #CelticTraditions #HalloweenEvolution #CulturalCelebrations #HalloweenHistory #ModernHalloween #AncientRituals