Ubiquitous | Ubiquitous Meaning | Pronunciation of Ubiquitous | Ubiquitous – English Word of the Day

Ubiquitous | Ubiquitous Meaning | Pronunciation of Ubiquitous | Ubiquitous – English Word of the Day

Hi there, Welcome to our channel ‪@English-WordOfTheDay‬. This video will answer queries such as; 1) What is Ubiquitous meaning? 2) What is Ubiquitous definition? 3) What are Ubiquitous examples? 4) What is Ubiquitous synonyms? 5) What is Ubiquitous pronunciation? 6) What is the meaning of Ubiquitous? 7) What is the definition of Ubiquitous? 8) What are the examples of Ubiquitous? 9) What are the synonyms of Ubiquitous? 10) What is the pronunciation of Ubiquitous? 11) What is the spelling of Ubiquitous? 12) How to spell Ubiquitous? 13) How to use Ubiquitous in sentences? 14) How to use Ubiquitous in a sentence? 15) Example of Ubiquitous in sentence? Meaning: 1) Present everywhere. Synonyms : 1) Omnipresent 2) Universal 3) Common 4) Popular 5) General 6) Prevalent Antonyms : 1) Rare 2) Limited 3) Isolated 4) Unique 5) Sporadic 6) Occasional Example : 1) Hand sanitisers became ubiquitous during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2) Smartphones are ubiquitous in today’s world. 3) Electric scooters are ubiquitous in urban areas, providing an easy way to get around. 4) Plastic pollution has become ubiquitous in our oceans. #english_word_of_the_day #english_word #english #englishvocabulary #ielts Ielts English word of the day -    / english-wordoftheday   Follow us on Facebook - https://bit.ly/3XkuFcQ Please feel free to drop a comment/suggestion in the comment box below. Did you enjoy the video? Why not subscribe to our channel to receive notifications of our future videos.