# 인제양양터널 # Injeyangyang Tunnel(Republic of Korea)
서울양양고속도로의 인제양양터널, 대한민국 최장 터널로 길이는 약 11킬로, 통과하는 시간 약 7분20초 소요 춘천에서 형님과 점심식사, 춘천역 인근에서 산책, 형님댁에서 차 한잔하고 곧 바로 양양으로 출발 터널 초입에는 화창한 가을이였으나 지나자마자 일기예보와 같이 가을비 내리고 있음 The Injeyangyang Tunnel on the Seoul Yangyang Expressway is the longest tunnel in Korea, and it is about 11 kilometers long and takes about 7 minutes and 20 seconds to pass I had lunch with my brother in Chuncheon, took a walk near Chuncheon Station, had a drink at his house, and left for Yangyang right away It was a sunny autumn at the entrance of the tunnel, but as soon as it passed, it was raining in autumn like the weather forecast