how-many-sperm-are-needed-for-pregnancy-in hindi|Dr. Sunil Jindal|Jindal Hospital

how-many-sperm-are-needed-for-pregnancy-in hindi|Dr. Sunil Jindal|Jindal Hospital

Only one sperm needs to survive in order to fertilize an egg. However, the journey from the man's testicle to the woman's uterus is long and arduous. After ejaculation, a single sperm cell measuring only 0.5 mm needs to swim over 152 mm from the base of the cervix to the egg for fertilization. Not every sperm is up to the task. Thanks for watching!! Videos Mentioned: 00:00 Introduction 00:49What amount of sperm is needed for pregnancy? 02:18Is sperm count enough for baby? 03:03sperm morphology 03:50lifetime or survival 05:09how to Increase Semen volume    • Increase sperm volume|वीर्य की मात्रा...   05:47How Many Sperm are Needed for IUI ? 06:31Bonus tip some other question asked by patient;- Can a little amount of sperm cause pregnancy? How much sperm is enough for pregnancy? Is 2 drop of sperm enough for pregnancy? Can 1 mL of sperm cause pregnancy? How many minutes does it take a man to release sperm? What makes a man to release quick? In case of any queries please feel free to contact us. Pl see this video and share it. 👉   / jindalhospit.  . 👉   / sunilkjindal1   👉   / drsunilkjin.  . 👉   / jindaltestub.  . 👉 Dr. Sunil Jindal Reproductive specialist (Endoscopic / Microsurgery / IVF / ICSI) Surgeon, Andrologist, IVF sp by training, Orator, Author, teacher by passion Over 6000 babies born by ART Dr. Anshu Jindal High Risk Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Infertility Specialist, Over 6000 babies born by ART Medical Director Jindal Hospital & Dr. Madhu Jindal Memorial Test Tube Baby Centre, Meerut There's nothing I love more than giving children to infertile couples Website - Appointment – 9897900920, WhatsApp – 8006666085, 8006666004 Email – [email protected] We bring to you this video from the state of the art fertility centre for men and women,Jindal hospital and test tube baby centre.This video is for patient and doctor education so that you are wiser in pursuing your dream and goal of having a baby for yourself or your patients.All the best-You are a champion! #how to get pregnant #sex for baby #get pregnant faster #jindal hospital #dr sunil #dr anshu jindal #lbest ivf package #best ivf centre #cost of ivf #infertility in men #male infertility #treatment #male #infertility test