ISSUE OF SHARES-PART 3 || CLASS 12 || PREM PRABHAKAR SIR || #IssueOfShares #CompanyAccounts #cac
ISSUE OF SHARES-PART 3 || CLASS 12 || PREM PRABHAKAR SIR || #IssueOfShares #CompanyAccounts #cac ISSUE OF SHARES-PART 2 || CLASS 12 || PREM PRABHAKAR SIR || #IssueOfShares #CompanyAccounts #cac Welcome to my youtube channel commerce and arts classess Your ultimate destination for mastering Company Accounts! Whether you're a student, professional, or just curious, we break down complex concepts like Issue of Shares into simple, easy-to-understand lessons. What you'll find here: Comprehensive guides on company accounts and financial topics Step-by-step explanations of Issue of Shares, Debentures, and more Practical examples to help you ace exams and excel in your career Subscribe now and turn accounting challenges into opportunities! New videos every [frequency, e.g., week]. --- #educational #company accounts #issue of shares and other related terms to improve Yeh rahe saare keywords YouTube ke hisaab se hashtags ke saath: Here are the best keywords specifically optimized for videos on the "Issue of Shares" chapter, following YouTube's algorithm: Primary Keywords (Core Topic) 1. #IssueOfShares 2. #AccountingForShares 3. #SharesAccountingTutorial 4. #CompanyAccounts 5. #AccountingForShareCapital Secondary Keywords (Specific Topics in the Chapter) 1. #EquityShares 2. #PreferenceShares 3. #OverSubscriptionOfShares 4. #UnderSubscriptionOfShares 5. #SharesIssuedAtPremium 6. #SharesIssuedAtDiscount 7. #ForfeitureOfShares 8. #ReissueOfShares 9. #ShareApplicationMoney 10. #ShareAllotmentEntries 1. #AccountingJournalEntries 2. #CorporateAccountingBasics 3. #AccountingForBeginners 4. #FinancialStatementsAnalysis 5. #CapitalStructureExplained 6. #SEBIGuidelinesForShares Audience-Specific Keywords (Target Groups) 1. #CommerceStudents 2. #CAFoundationAccounts 3. #CSExecutiveAccounting 4. #Class11Accounting 5. #Class12Accounting 6. #BComAccountingLessons Long-Tail Keywords (Search-Friendly Phrases) 1. #HowToIssueSharesInCompanyAccounts 2. #StepByStepGuideToIssueOfShares 3. #AccountingEntriesForIssueOfShares 4. #UnderstandingShareCapitalAccounting 5. #IssueOfSharesExplainedForStudents Trending & Popular Hashtags (Broad Visibility) 1. #AccountingTutorial 2. #LearnAccountingOnline 3. #CommerceEducation 4. #FinanceAndAccounting 5. #ExamPreparation General Keywords #CompanyAccounts #IssueOfShares #AccountingBasics #FinancialAccounting #CorporateAccounting #BusinessAccounting #AccountingForBeginners #AccountingTutorials #FinancialStatements #AccountingConcepts Topic-Specific Keywords #TypesOfShares #EquityShares #PreferenceShares #SharesIssueProcess #OverSubscriptionOfShares #UnderSubscriptionOfShares #AllotmentOfShares #ForfeitureOfShares #ReissueOfShares #AccountingForShareCapital Related Keywords #JournalEntriesForShares #AccountingStandards #CapitalStructure #SharesAtPremium #SharesAtDiscount #SEBIGuidelines #ShareApplicationMoney #ShareAllotmentEntries #DividendDistribution #AccountingForIPO Audience Targeting Keywords #AccountingForStudents #CommerceStudents #CAFoundationAccounts #CSExecutiveAccounting #Class11Accounts #Class12Accounts #BComAccounts #FinanceAndAccounting Call-to-Actions #LearnCompanyAccounts #MasterIssueOfShares #AccountingMadeSimple #PracticalAccounting #ExamFocusedAccounting Here’s a list of relevant keywords and phrases optimized for YouTube’s algorithm, tailored to your channel’s focus on Company Accounts and Issue of Shares: General Keywords 1. Company Accounts 2. Issue of Shares 3. Accounting Basics 4. Financial Accounting 5. Corporate Accounting 6. Business Accounting 7. Accounting for Beginners 8. Accounting Tutorials 9. Financial Statements 10. Accounting Concepts Topic-Specific Keywords 1. Types of Shares 2. Equity Shares 3. Preference Shares 4. Shares Issue Process 5. Over Subscription of Shares 6. Under Subscription of Shares 7. Allotment of Shares 8. Forfeiture of Shares 9. Reissue of Shares 10. Accounting for Share Capital Related Keywords 1. Journal Entries for Shares 2. Accounting Standards 3. Capital Structure 4. Issuing Shares at Premium 5. Issuing Shares at Discount 6. SEBI Guidelines for Issue of Shares 7. Share Application Money 8. Share Allotment Entries 9. Dividend Distribution 10. Accounting for IPO Keywords for Targeting Audience 1. Accounting for Students 2. Commerce Students Help 3. CA Foundation Accounts 4. CS Executive Accounting 5. Class 11 Accounts 6. Class 12 Accounts 7. B.Com Accounts 8. Finance and Accounting Call-to-Actions 1. Learn Company Accounts Easily 2. Master Issue of Shares 3. Accounting Made Simple 4. Practical Accounting Tutorials 5. Exam-Focused Accounting Lessons