Nixa SDA Church Service Livestream | 05-13-2023

Nixa SDA Church Service Livestream | 05-13-2023

1:57 Almighty Power Of God | Worship Team 4:15 How Great Is Our God | Worship Team 8:39 Shout To The Lord | Worship Team 41:35 Special Music | Katerenchuk Family 45:49 Sermon: Seeing God As He Truly Is | Pastor Jerry DuVall 1:13:05 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah Join us every Saturday for in -person or online church live on Facebook, YouTube or our website. Service Times: 9:30 AM Bible Study Lesson 11:00 AM Worship Service Facebook -   / nixasdachurch   Website - __ Subscribe to receive our latest messages: #seeinggodashetrulyis #mercy #love #forgiveness #jesus #love #hope #faith #nixasdachurch #pastorjerryduvall #onlinechurch