ड्राय फ्रूट्स लड्डू - सर्दी भगाये, इम्युनिटी बढा़ये । Dry fruit laddu for winter | Energy  laddu

ड्राय फ्रूट्स लड्डू - सर्दी भगाये, इम्युनिटी बढा़ये । Dry fruit laddu for winter | Energy laddu

Special laddus for winter season, without atta, sugar or ghee. made with dry fruits and special spices to boost immune. how to make dry fruit laddu, dry fruits laddu during pregnancy, dry fruits laddu after delivery, mixed dry fruits recipe a nuts ladoo, #DryFruuitsLaddu #ImmuneBoostingRecipes #LadduRecipe Ingredients for Dry Fruit Ladoo Peanut - मूँगफली - 1/4 Cup, (45 grams) Jaggery - गुड़ - 260 gms Sesame Seeds - तिल - 1/4 Cup (35 grams) Watermelon Seeds - तरबूज़े के बीज - 1/4 Cup (45 grams) Poppy Seeds - खसखस - 1/4 Cup (35 grams) Dry Coconut - नारियल - 1/2 Cup, grated (30grams) Fox Nuts - मखाना - 1 Cup (20 grams) Almonds - बादाम - 1/4 Cup (45 grams) Dry Ginger Powder - सौंठ - 1 tsp White Pepper - सफ़ेद मिर्च - 1 tsp, coarsely ground Nutmeg - जायफल - 1 tsp, grated Cardamom - इलाइची - 1 tsp, coarsely ground How to prepare Dryfruits Ladoo? 1. Dry roast 1/2 cup of sesame seeds, 1/4 cup watermelon seeds, 1/2 cup of poppy seeds, 1/2 cup grated dry coconut, 1 cup of fox nuts, 1/4 cup of almonds, and 1/4 cup of peanuts separately. 2. Coarsely grind roasted sesame seeds and watermelon seeds together first. 3. Then, narial and poppy seeds together, fox nuts separately, almonds & peanuts together, and mix all of them. 4. Take 260 grams of jaggery, cut it into small pieces, and add to Kadai. 5. Add 3 tbsp of water to the jaggery in the Kadai and melt it over medium heat. 6. Once jaggery dissolves and you can see foam in the syrup, add 1 tsp of sonth powder, 1 tsp of coarsely crushed white pepper, 1 tsp of grated nutmeg, and 1 tsp of coarsely crushed cardamom. 7. Add dry fruits to the syrup and mix well. 8. Take the mixture out in a bowl and allow it to cool down. 9. Bind the ladoos when it's still warm and you can touch it with bare hands. 10. Apply ghee to your hands, take out a little mixture, and bind the ladoo using both hands. 11. Prepare all the ladoos similarly. Protein and vitamin-rich ladoos are ready to be served. Subscribe for more recipes - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... For the Best recipes on YouTube, log onto -    / nishamadhulika   Find us on Facebook at -   / nishamadhulika   Visit my Hindi Website http://nishamadhulika.com