Lift Your Eyes as God Will be Your Help | Blessed Morning Prayer Start Your Day | Daily Devotional
⭐️ SUBSCRIBE for Daily Morning Prayers ⭐️ ✅ @PrayFirstEveryday ====================================== Dear Heavenly Father, As the day draws to a close and night falls around us, I come before you in prayer. Thank you for the blessings and opportunities this day has brought. I’m deeply grateful for your love and guidance throughout this day. As I prepare to rest, I ask for your comforting presence to stay with me through the night. Watch over my loved ones, both near and far, and keep them safe from harm. Be our shield of protection, and grant us a peaceful and restful sleep. Father, as I reflect on this day—the moments of joy, the challenges, and the lessons learned—I ask for your forgiveness for any mistakes I’ve made. Please give me the strength to be better tomorrow. Grant me peace and a heart free from worry as I lay down to sleep. I also pray for those who are suffering, feeling lonely, or in need. May your comforting presence be with them, giving them strength and hope to face their challenges. In this quiet moment, I offer you my concerns, my hopes, and my gratitude. I trust in your plan and your wisdom. Help me let go of my anxieties and place my true trust in you. As I close my eyes and surrender to the night, I place myself in your loving hands. Be with me, protect me, and grant me your peace. I give thanks for another day and look forward to the new opportunities tomorrow will bring through your grace. “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” To you, Father, I give all the praise, honor, and glory. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. May this prayer remind you that the power within you is greater than anything in this world. May the peace of Jesus Christ, a peace that is divine and holy, rest upon your heart and emotions. Find comfort in the Lord, in the Holy Spirit. Jesus said in John 14 verse 1, “Do not let your hearts be troubled; trust in God.” I pray that you hold onto these words, letting your heart be calm because you belong to God Almighty. May you experience peace beyond understanding in your emotions, your soul, and your spirit. God, lift me to new levels. Protect me from the tricks of the devil, and thank you for your unfailing love and faithfulness. Holy Spirit, help me to trust like Job did, so that if I were to lose everything—my job, my home, my car—I would still have unshakable faith. Help me say, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him." God, give me the faith of Moses, so that when you call me to do your work, or when it's time for me to step into my destiny, I won't doubt. Give me the courage to step out, to walk on water, even when my mind says, "You can't do that," or, "You will never succeed." Let me have bold faith that pushes back and says, "With God, all things are possible." Give me the kind of faith that truly believes You are the great "I AM" and that You will make a way when there seems to be no way. Lord, I pray for a heart like David’s, one that chases after You and worships in spirit and in truth. Give me the boldness of the three Hebrew boys, the courage to remove every idol in my life, and the strength to refuse to bow down to anything that tries to take Your place. Whether it be a relationship, a career, or something else, help me to stand firm. ====================================== Lift Your Eyes as God Will be Your Help | Blessed Morning Prayer Start Your Day | Daily Devotional ====================================== #devotional #devotion #prayer #prayers #morningprayer #psalms #devotions #god #godmessage #dailydevotional #pray #bible #biblestudy #jesus #jesuschrist #jesuslovesyou daily devotional , daily jesus devotional , christian motivation , verse of the day , our daily bread , daily devo , bible study , daily devotion , daily devotional today , our daily bread devotional , bible in a year , bible study with me , bible study resources , grace for purpose , prophetic word , todays verse , god says , lord helps , bible recap , morning prayer , gods message , godhelps , bible stories , prayer , daily jesus prayer , daily jesus prayers , daily prayer , psalm 23 , prayers , god devotional , daily devotional , daily jesus devotional , christian motivation , verse of the day , our daily bread , daily devo , bible study , daily devotion , verse of the day today , daily devotional today , daily devotions , morning meditation , verse of the day bible , our daily bread devotional , bible study fellowship , bible in a year , daily devotional charles stanley , bible study with me , 365 bible reading plan , bible study resources , god message , grace for purpose , god helps , god , prophetic word , todays verse , god says , lord helps , bible recap , bible journal , morning prayer , gods message , godhelps , bible stories