Sunday, July 2, 2023 - Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Fremont United Methodist Church, Fremont, NC Rev. Ben Van Staalduinen Mr. Ken Caughron, Gideon Songs of the Service: "America the Beautiful" - CCLI 33368 “Heal Our Land" - CCLI 5217 "God Bless America"- CCLI 123241 "O Bless the Gifts" - CCLI 1891966 "This Is My Song" - CCLI 6327112 Calendar of Events: https://fremontumc-nc.org/calendar/ Online giving at PayPal.me/fumcnc or mail a check to: PO Box 147, Fremont, NC 27830 One License A-739137 CCLI Streaming Plus License 20584930