katana & tameshigiri 도검 & 베기테스트
한국의 전통도검회사 고려도검제작소의 주력 상품인 도검 2자루를 소개하고 테스트 하는 장면 입니다 참가도검은 기우귀가와 강태공입니다. 설명http://swordzone.com [email protected] Today, I would like to introduce two main types of katana that our Koryosword company is producing. One kind of Kardana material is Tamahagane, which combines strong iron with soft iron. It's a hammering and forge and then fold it 10 times and heat it up. One kind is the forging of carbon steel and heat treatment It's all done manually by a long-time Blacksmith. They're both beautiful Katanas, kind of art. Of course, you'll be surprised at the quality. Prices are also very reasonable. So let's take a detailed look through the video and try the cutting test. The materials are ready for bamboo and dadami. The name of the sword is Kiwoo-kwi and Kang Tae-gong. There's an oriental painting on tsuba. I'm not good at English, so please refer to the homepage for more information. You see, it's very well cut and shock absorbing. And it's very light. I'll give you a quality certificate to anyone who purchases this catana. I am confident of Kadana at the Japanese level as a long-time trainee in Iado. I am an iido man and blacksmith in Korea http://www.sword100.com/ 한글 http://swordzone.com ENG https://band.us/band/4668367?_=_ 검도,도검,전통도검, 검,진검, 조선세법, 검도수련, 세법수련, 대한검도회 ,고려도검,일본도, 검리연, 검도검리연구회 japaness, Samurai Sword ,Katana, antique, Tachi, Japanese Swords, wakizashi, tanto, tsuba traditionalsword ,blacksmith, Warriors ,Ninja, iaido ,kendo, Tameshigiri ,