Microeconomics Unit 2 COMPLETE Summary - Supply and Demand
This video covers all of the key points of Unit 2 from the AP Microeconomics Course Exam Description (CED). Supply, Demand, Elasticity, Market Equilibrium, Surplus and Deadweight Loss, Government Controls, Taxes, and Tariffs. For more help with unit , there are content reviews, review games, and practice exercises for you at: https://www.reviewecon.com/ap-microec... To learn about the mid-point elasticity method, see here: https://www.reviewecon.com/elasticity... To support this channel, like and subscribe, then purchase the Total Review Booklet from ReviewEcon.com. https://www.reviewecon.com/total-revi... Follow me on twitter: / apeconguy or Follow me on facebook: / reviewecon Note: Topics are out of order because this is the oder in which they are covered in the ReviewEcon.com Total Review Booklet. Note: AP©, Advanced Placement Program©, and College Board© are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this material.