Computer Hardware and Software Hindi | Input Output Device |System Software |Computer Basic Course

Computer Hardware and Software Hindi | Input Output Device |System Software |Computer Basic Course

Computer Hardware and Software Hindi | Input Output Device |System Software |Computer Basic Course-2 In this easy hindi tutorial of basic computers, you will learn about hardware and software. What is hardware? What is software? What is the use of hardware and software? What is the input devices and what is the output devices? Types of input devices? What is CPU and storage device? What is the use of CPU? This video covers - 0:00 - Introduction (परिचय) 0:33 - What is Hardware in Computer? कंप्यूटर में हार्डवेयर किसे कहते हैं? Computer me hardware kise kahte hai? 1:25 - What is Data in Computers? कंप्यूटरों में डेटा किसे कहते हैं? Computers me Data kise kehte hai? 1:47 - What is Input in Computers? कंप्यूटरों में इनपुट क्या है? Computers me Input kise kehte hai? 1:56 - What is Process in Computers? कंप्यूटरों में प्रोसेस किसे कहते हैं? Computers me Process kya hai? 2:15 - What is Output in Computers? कंप्यूटरों में आउट्पुट क्या है? Computers me Output kise kehte hai? 2:58 -...