Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016-2025) Cast Then vs Now #dc #batmanvsuperman #shorts

Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016-2025) Cast Then vs Now #dc #batmanvsuperman #shorts

Explore the cast of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)! From Ben Affleck's intense portrayal of Batman to Henry Cavill’s heroic Superman, and Gal Gadot’s iconic Wonder Woman debut, this video dives into the stars behind the epic DC showdown. Discover how Jesse Eisenberg, Amy Adams, and Jeremy Irons brought their characters to life. Watch now for a look at the cast then and now! #BatmanvSuperman #DawnOfJustice #DCUniverse #BenAffleck #HenryCavill #GalGadot #JesseEisenberg #AmyAdams #JeremyIrons #DCFans #SuperheroMovies